Cyberpunk Environment Challenge - Blog Post 4

General / 21 February 2020

Cyberpunk Environment Challenge - Blog Post 4

This week, I have been working on getting the scene populated with extra pipes, additional details for the foreground framing elements, and starting work on the slum city in the foreground.

To add detail to the background, I modeled one skyscraper mesh and added an emissive graphic to the front where the colors can be adjusted in a material instance.

Additionally, I modeled two signs which will be used with material instancing to add variance in the slums. I didn't spend a ton of time on these simply because  they will mostly be silhouetted and not seen up close.

One thing I always do that I don’t see enough people doing is start lighting from the start of the project even in blockout. Starting to place lights early on will help me determine what models to spend more time modeling/texturing due to what areas of the image will have more focus or more light on them.

By messing with the lighting continuously, I discovered that the color scheme wasn’t working so  I tried a different color combination which I like a ton more.



And finally just for fun, I messed with some stuff in sequencer to get a small cinematic shot in motion: 

Hope everyone is having as much fun as I am!

Thanks for reading!