Cyberpunk Environment Challenge - Blog Post 2
One week down! Not enough weeks to go!
This week, I focused on getting a very basic spline blueprint up and running since my scene will have so many large pipes in it that are varying angles and leading lines.
Here that is:
I still need to add a way to scale the meshes up or down.
I also made blockout meshes for the spline as well as separate pipe pieces I can place here and there to break up the lines. Still need to add a lot more small pipes and panels to fill in the negative space of the scene.
Here is my current blockout in Unreal with temp lighting:
I am making the conscious decision to widen the field of view from 5:4, which the original reference image has, to 2.35:1 which is my preferred aspect ratio. Doing this means I have to add more elements in between the elements shown in the concept to fill in the gaps.
Hoping to put more time into this in the next few weeks than this week!