Cyberpunk Environment Challenge - Blog Post 6

General / 09 March 2020

We're halfway through the challenge already!

dark,This week, I mainly focused on fleshing out the outside city area of my environment. I tried to exaggerate scale by adding clouds part of the way up the highest buildings. I don't have a whole lot to write this week, just a lot to show!

Here are my newest renders of the environment:

I also spent a lot of time laying out and editing together a small cinematic which can be viewed here: (Ignore the green specular fresnel issue with the pipes, it is fixed)

I feel like I am winding down with production and am heading into the polish/post-production phase. I will continue to adjust small things but most of the scene is finished to my liking. I am ironing out my sequencer export settings to get the best quality I can.