Sunken A6M Zero [UE4]

Sunken A6M Zero [UE4]

Been picking away at this from time to time for the last 6 months, finally got the motivation to make the final push and finish it off this last week.

" Zero, also called Mitsubishi A6M or Navy Type 0, fighter aircraft, a single-seat, low-wing monoplane used with great effect by the Japanese during World War II. Designed by Horikoshi Jiro, it was the first carrier-based fighter capable of besting its land-based opponents.
Although Allied forces code-named the aircraft “Zeke,” it was generally known as the Zero, a term derived from one of its Japanese names—Reisen Kanjikisen (Type Zero Carrier-based Fighter Airplane), abbreviated Reisen."

Thanks to Exp Points for the critique and encouragement to finish this!